The distributed monolith antipattern
The words distributed and monolith are usually adversaries in software architecture, contrary to the monolith model, a distributed approach will allow you to have isolated services as building blocks of functionality for your system. Let's assume you reached that architecture already, either from scratch or by decomposing an existing monolith. At this point you have a set of services. Some people go and just say - "it's microservices!". Well..., that's not enough yet, but now you have all the pieces into individual services and the whole system working together. This is a step into the right direction for scalability, but we can do more in other areas. So, let's check: how do you deploy them ? If you deploy all services at once , you still have a lot to improve, for now you have a "distributed monolith" (Open to a better name for this), which I consider to be an antipattern, and this is more of a common practice than expected,